Removal of Implant Contraception Self-Assessment

Removal of Implant Contraception Self-Assessment


It is important that you are suitably informed prior to the removal of your contraceptive implant. Please confirm the following:

I understand that there is a risk of infection *
I understand that there will be a scar on the inside of the upper arm *
I understand that in rare circumstances it may take more than one attempt to remove the device and you may need to have this done in hospital *

I would like to have the implant removed because of:
Would you want the implant replacing? *

If you would like the implant to be replaced, please also complete an Implant Self Assessment after you have submitted this form.

Are you aware of an immediate return to fertility? If you are not having the implant reinserted, you would need to consider alternative contraception for 5 days prior to removal. *
Would you like pre-conception information?

Please visit NHS: Planning your pregnancy for more information.

Smoking status:
Would you like help to quit smoking?